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Working / Healing With The Angels **70% OFF**

  • 11 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Ever wonder what it would be like to attend an actual licensed psychic school? Now you can! In this class you will get what was taught by Angel as the head instructor at the school. This class has 2 levels of learning, a beginners process, as well as advanced options, 3D vs 5D. Class includes Exercises and sacred teachings on: - How to tell if something is TRUE CONNECTION or IMAGINATION - Feeling the presence of Archangel Michael Exercise - What mistake to avoid when working with Angels. - Invoking and working with Archangel Michael. - Self Care and Releasing Fear with Exercise for clearing and Michael Healing. - Working with Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Healing. - Discover other Archangels and their vibrational healing. - Angels to call upon for healing, manifestation, good luck, abundance... - Empath Self Hypnotherapy with the Angels for Healing and Confidence - Receive direct message on what your gift is and what to let go of. - Crystals and Angels. What Crystals To Use and Why - Putting it all together.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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