Andara Ring encoded to hold Christ Consciousness Golden Ray Andara in Solid Sterling Silver/ the plated in platinum. White Andara that holds the Holy Spirit lays beside it lovingly holding its energy from heaven to Earth.
Adjustable fits size 5 to 10
We have co created a Divine Spiritual AND Physical Portal to Eloheim. There are those that know they have a higher calling and at time feel the sense of responsibility to do more, give more, heal more yet are tired and drained. You are a child of God, not God and you are allowed to rest and have healthy boundaries. This piece is to bring lightness not heaviness to your work and life, to lift the burden of the cross you carry and to enjoy your relationship with God as a friend again not just a work partner. Remember even God took a day off! He gave the world Jesus to bear the sins of the world, so we do not have to.
You need to rest and you need to take care of yourself so you can be a healthy vessel of God and the love he sends through you to all of man and this Earth. He wants you to know you are loved and you are enough even if you never do another thing. You are beloved and this piece holds this energy in the physical realm and when wearing it next to your heart allows the love of God to shine in and out at the same time.. to give and receive.
Invokes the energy of The Sacred Golden Ray.
You will get an Authenticity card. It has taken me 3 years to find a process and a place to make these for us all. Words cannot describe the feeling from them. This piece is so amazing. When I put it on a light, these amazing blue flame marking showed up... i put on some music and went into meditation and asked why.... and all i did was tear up with peace
Now that I know how to make them properly, ethically and purposefully,
I work with Spirit. We are a fellowship. Each piece is divinely created with this connection.
I let the each crystal become alive with consciousness in this realm. They name themselves.
I follow them. I do not channel the energy into them. They into us.
This piece is only for those of true heart that are ready to walk with their God, their creator to make Earth a better place. It is a mission of the soul. I will channel now what the crystal wants to say. I know the right person will be called and feel it in their soul
First the golden ray is your cosmic light body, self-generating solar frequencies to nurture and grow the seeds of your soul into your divine purpose as matter and form. When I sat with the golden andara and asked it what its message was.. this is what transpired.
"Our dearest child of light and God. Your divine being was inspired through the vibration and healing light of love. Through this creation of love, it must have been done freely. It could not be thrusted upon your heart and told you must love. This love had to be a choice. In order to be a choice, there must be more than one vibration to choose from. This other one must be opposite of love. Not hate...fear. Feat that you are not loved. This is what generates hate. You hate that you are not loved.When you work with this golden ray you will help others and yourself to see that the love is the way back to me. Choosing to believe that I love you is all you need to free yourself. The choice of fear must be there so you can choose between the two. It is your gift, not your punishment.
I release you of the fear from your past generations that have been laid upon you. I release you from their ignorance through all your generation time lines... past...present and future.. In clearing these illusions, it will help to restore your soul to the golden ray so you may choose freely again.
Through this divine template of Cosmic Law and Divine order of free will, we will work together to help others find freedom in the choice. Together we will manifest a place where no man or beast is left in fear that they are not loved. For when you chose to hate or have fear, you are saying that this is what I am. You are a child of mine, made in my image. This is why these vibrations are so toxic, they are poison to the truth of my love.
Create with me a time where this golden age can live. A golden age must first have the golden ray shine upon it to light the way. I awaken thee to thine Divine Calling and Mission here on Earth that you have been working on for so many cycles. It is time. Awaken and Rise."
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SKU: 831
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