Aqua Aura Bracelet with genuine pearls. The Gauntlet of Atlantis is for those that are ready to rise again, rise and be part of what is right in the world instead of hiding from all that is dark. When one drop in the ocean rises, nobody notices. When we all rise as we are doing, we create a tidal wave of change that the world has never seen. For the world is not getting worse, we are washing away what was hiding in plain sight so we can see it and raise our hands and say NO MORE. You, the Atlantian soul know you are here for a reason. This bracelet will unite you with the energies of your brothers and sisters in spirit no matter if they have this bracelet or not. It will connect you to the soul, sending out a beacon of light to them and only them, like a code of our own. You have been fighting alone for a while. You did well. But it is time to unite forces. We are one.
When you put this bracelet on, it will activate your soul back to where is appropriate for you at this time. Turning on too fast at once can be too disruptive to your life. Listen to the song at the bottom the first time you wear it. Sit in a quiet spot and the energy placed in this stone by THOTH, King of Atlantis, will call you back home. YOu can listen to the music whenever you need that boost or healing. Some of the music is intense and some is very gentle. Once you are activated through the bracelet and the love and light of who you already are, you never need to cleans or charge this piece again. You are what powers it now, not it you. I am so excited for you!!
This is very high grade aqua aura made with 24k gold... not mystic aura beads or low grade aqua aura, as gold is the colour of enlightenment from higher realms than ours. We got ourselves into this trouble, we need a different answer to get out of it and to help.It is getting next to impossible to find this high grade beads as the price of gold is so high now but we found them! These are bigger beads, 10 mm beads with 15 mm centre bead and real pearl beads
Somewhere in the dark waters lies your history. You sense it. You do not feel happy when you see an underwater Atlantis nor have images of mermaids dancing in your mind. Instead you have dreams of destruction. You are nervous for no reason and may even suffer anxiety. Your home wiped out in the blink of an eye and almost everybody you know lays dead beneath the sea. The earth cracking and buildings falling apart as you run with the ocean rising. You may love the water but also respect its power.
This is not meant to scare you but to let you know your Atlantian brothers and sisters have survived in ways you may not have thought of to unite and help heal so we do not destroy our home and family again. The darkness will not make the light fall.
Are you ready for the healing energy of your Atlantean soul to rise? Are you ready to gather the wisdom of the ancient Egyptian gods that many think were the surviving Atlanteans teaching love and light to the world? Are you ready to be free?
This is not just a crystal, but a portal to the Atlantian soul that the trauma has hidden.
Awaken my brothers and sisters.
Aqua Aura helps you to connect to your true self that can build you up instead of tear you down. Connects you to your intuition and heightens it so you can hear your spirit guides better and start to believe that you are worthy of love and end the cycle of self sabotage. Clears the auras and chakras and reminds you of your innocence and rids the shame an fear from the past. Helps to ease anxiety, negative self talk and gets you out of old cycles that are no longer serving youPearl washes away and purifies the soul. It signifies purity, charity and innocence. At times it can be hard for you to ask for help even though you give so much to others. Pearl helps you to get help and not feel guilty about it either. Its a stone of sincerity, justice and finding faith and belief in yourself again
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SKU: 1219
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