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Green Amethyst Ring.

Beautiful sparkle and shine to this piece.
this is a natural stone with tons of cuts on it to reflect light.
and add healing light photons not just into you but into your environment.

Set in solid sterling silver then plated with 14K Gold.

Size 6


Green Amethyst Ring

This is a natural stone with tons of cuts on it to reflect light and add healing light photons not just into you but into your environment.


Please do not be alarmed if you cry when you wear this piece.  The compassion you feel for Mary at knowing she sat at the foot of her dying son may overtake you.  The love of Jesus, feeling it combined with his own mother has affected many through our pieces.  


As an international psychic medium and trained in the arts of alchemy and transfiguration, I am blessed to be able to incarnate Spirit into crystals to help you communicate and have these amazing energies in your own life.  You now do not have to be classically trained nor professional to have this energy that is meant for all of us to have in our lives.   I sit with each stone and co create.  This one was immediate.  My hand shook when I touched it.  This is what we call PORTAL PIECES.  The Spirit co creates a portal or a doorway that they can connect with you in this world in a more direct way.  Many of these ascended masters and ladies hear your prayers and know you are looking for experiences.  These experiences come through the heart and soul not the mind... not with mere limiting words of the language you speak but the voice of the soul that moves mountains and has saved souls.  This has to be done properly with great care and precision and just reading a book and owning a crystal shop does not qualify you to do this.  This is not a marketing tool.. but a sacred calling of the brotherhood of the light that guards the souls of this Earth.

We are one of them... we are bringing this forth to you.


I am always surprised and honoured when I hear the energies come through.  When I heard  Mother Mary, I literally jumped back and almost cried.  The love emitting from this piece was so intense.

 The clear green is to represent the heart chakra.  She says we must trust God with our heart not the logical mind.  The many many facets of the stone are  to reflect compassion through the stone of how hard it has been for you.  She grants you peace, faith and compassion from one mother to another.  You too have given birth and watched over a son of God as a mother. There are those you care about that you cannot help as they must find their path to their God themselves and it hurts to watch.  Call in the power of God not the power of fear.


May you be blessed even just by reading this and not buying it.
May you know you are loved and your suffering is not going unseen by the eyes of this Blessed Mother.
She too was human like you.  Only through her faith and trust did she ascend from the pain.

You will too.
This is the sacred promise she gives to you.

Green Amethyst/Prasiolite
Clears negativity
Fosters compassion, self-acceptance and self-honor
Ignites love and compassion in one's heart
Heals by closing the gap between the physical & spiritual
Attracts prosperity
Strengthens the emotions, the mind and the will
Protects the wearer from intoxication
Brings good fortune and luck

Green Amethyst Ring Holding Energy Of The Virgin Mary, Ascended Master Series...

SKU: 810
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